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McAfee Consumer App
Product Vision Strategy

About: Part of the Brand and Marketplace Experience Group - New Concepts focused on solving a set of user and business problems through a unique hypothetical design solution. Below is the case study and promotional reel for this product.

Team: Mel de Beer (senior UI/UX and team lead), Brent Dietrich (senior UX & 3D), Larry Butcher (review), Wilkin Ho (brand)

Responsibilities include: creative direction, concept refinement, user flows, prototype build, video creation and socialization.


The problem


Users struggle to understand and use the various different McAfee security applications across all their devices and accounts.

Pain points:


Users are confused by all of McAfee's various products that don't offer them a consistent experience.


Users are often left frustrated trying to download and install their security applications across all their devices.


Users struggle to manage their family' security and understand how secure they are across their services.


Users find interacting with security applications leaves them feeling anxious and they are more likely to ignore their security as a result.


Design Strategy


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Introducing the visual metaphor of 'home'



A visual journey of simplification


What would your security solutions look like when mapped to a home environment?


Idea 6: Solution spaces

Build out your solution rooms as you add your security. A room gradually becomes more organized as you complete your security tasks.

Idea 1: The Loft

All your solutions mapped to items in your 'home'.

Idea 5: The lounge

Pivot away from icons to idea of whole room representing a solution.

Idea 2: The Attic

3D icons placed into an attic  environment.

Idea 3: The Library

3D icons placed in your home library in a shelf similar to collection of books.

Idea 4: Rubik's cube

enlarged 3D icons in a rubiks cube formation that the user can fold out and rotate around.

Final High Fidelity Design




User Flows, problem statements, Scenario



User Profiles



Prototype snapshot



Security is about more than passwords and antivirus.




It's all about the family.


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Users care about customizing their security goals.


Reward systems are visual and personalized to nudge users to reflect positively on remediating tasks.


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Going Forward



This hypothetical design solution offers more than just a design overhaul.

It addresses a myriad of problems McAfee users have been experiencing with its products. From account management,  unified product and seamless device experience. It offers a look at how users can experience their security in a way that shifts the focus away from reactive to proactive engagement.


Overall response from internal stakeholders was greatly positive as it offers a more unified business roadmap forward for previous silos: brand, marketing and sales — directly into the product experience and allowing touch points without being invasive.




UI Sandbox

Having adopted a mobile-first approach to the prototype, a sandbox view of UI on desktop.



Further exploration with 3D environments

Combination of traditional card systems with horizontal scrolling through spaces.

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Integrating cards into the environment and consideration for more gamified experience.

Next Steps


Moving into feasibility study collaborating with engineering. Scope out potential of a unified build using platform like Unity, vs individual OS frameworks integrating 3D SDK's on market like Swift SceneKit.

Finalization of 3D environment metaphors mapped out to product roadmap. Integration of up sell journeys and user testing.

Structured usability testing of market segments to ensure friction-less transition from current users to new application. NBU limitations and Accessibility.

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